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Echoes of the Ancients
A fun romp through space with a likable protagonist and even a sassy, sidekick robot to boot. Workmanlike prose weaves an easy-to-read story that will keep you turning pages. An enjoyable, well-crafted space opera. — Amazon review
Echoes of the Ancients opens with a mystery for the protagonist, Beca, to solve. A ship has gone missing. The action leads us on a chase through space, planets, a clever robot called BO.B., evil bad guys, gun fights, and space flights. The writing is simple and easy to whizz through, and I suspect this book will be a favorite for young readers (middle grade, YA?). It's a solid debut novel from this author. — Amazon review
Echoes of the Ancients
The author does a great job of keeping you interested, and Roland comes into the picture, you get a bit of wartime romance. If you like Star Wars, this is a good book for you. — Goodreads review
Sugar & Sorcery
I truly enjoyed the fusion of genres and themes. The novel combines elements of high fantasy, including epic quests and the eternal battle between good and evil, with the comforting feeling of a cozy fantasy adding themes of home, love, and relationships. — Amazon review
Sugar & Sorcery
This is a charming story whose uniqueness extends to its focus on subtler themes like home, hearth, love, and relationships against the backdrop of a fantastical realm. — Amazon review